Thursday, October 4, 2007

peeing in the bush, Bartok and cheesecake

Visited Suzdal and Vladimir this last weekend. It was GORGEOUS! This is what I was imagining Russia would be like. It’s Fall here. My absolute favorite season! Leaves are falling and they are everywhere. I actually made some “leaf angels”! It was wonderful. I have to note that it was about a 5 hour bus ride there. So our potty breaks consisted of the bus pulling off to the side of the road and boys in front of the bus, girls in back. Into the woods we went. Theresa, trekked into the woods with heels on. She came out with bare feet. It was quite the experience to say the least. The weather has been outstanding. I can’t believe it. The sun has been shining and it is super warm. We stayed at this hotel that had two suites. I took the mattress from my room and put in on the ground so I could be between Meredith and Theresa. I woke up to mosquito bites all over my body. But it was worth it. Our hotel had a bowling alley, swimming pool, restaurant, sauna, bar…you name it. Had a tour guide who totally reminded me of the bat off Anastasia (one of my favorite movies btw)..Bartok! It was the funniest thing. Some Russians, when they speak English, sound so funny. I love it. Got to see so many churches with the onion domes. Such beauty and incredible artwork. The frescoes inside the church buildings are unbelievable. It baffles me that people are this stinkin talented. Women have to wear head coverings and even skirts at some orthodox churches. The babushka’s yell at you and point to these wraps they give women who don’t have skirts. There are Sabakee (dogs) everywhere. They run wild. You'll see cats inside buildings all the time. And packs of dogs just lounging in the sun. Harley, our director, an interesting fellow, talks to these animals. He especially likes the cats. He tends to chase after them trying to get a picture. He’s a 65 year old man. So funny! An Orthodox Priest spoke to our class. We also had some American missionaries come in last week and talk about their ministries. Ohhh I have to mention this FANTASTIC café here in Nizhnii called Biblioteca. They have the best latte’s. Move over Starbucks! And their cheesecake…no joke…like a taste of Heaven. Been there three times now and I’m IN LOVE! Can’t believe it’s been a month already. Oh and the Babushka’s changed my sheets. No more pink! I’m happy.

1 comment:

Alessandra Maria-Rene' said...

So what color are your sheets now? I'm really glad that the Lord is helping you to deal with some of your biggest fears while you are there, such as nakedness and pink. Very good, very good. You're becoming stronger.
I'm glad that Harley chases the cats trying to take pictures. Those are gonna make a nice slideshow someday to show his family and friends.
I love the Babushkas and I love you!