Tuesday, October 9, 2007

just a run of the mill day

my day begins waking up at 8:30 ish..and heading straight down to breakfast. Which consists of Kasha, otherwise known as oatmeal, cream of wheat...some days if we're lucky enough we get noodles in milk. mmmm! Then I head back up to my room, get dressed for the day and am out the door headed to class around 9:20. Class begins probably around 9:40. Ira is our teacher on Monday and Tuesday. Elaina is on Wed and Thur. Ira doesnt smile as much as Elaina but they are both sweet. Russians say things in such a stern way, it makes you wonder if they like you or not. But really, that's just Russians. We go an hour and have a 10 min break. Then another hour and have CHAI...my favortie part. Except its not real chai. They just call normal tea here chai. We head down to the International office and both classes come together for 30 minutes. It's a gay ol time. We then proceed back up to class for the next 50 minutes. Class is done around 12:30 and then we walk back to the Profilac and have lunch at 1. Lecture then begins at 2 till 4 ish. That of which I am quite frequently in and out of. Good ol Harley, bless his soul. He starts each class with current events or world news if you will. That takes about half the class time. I'm usually in another place. I'm such a good student. Class is over and we head back to the Profilac. I sometimes go running or do some homework or just hang out until 6 when we have dinner. Then after dinner it's a mix of a whole bunch of nonesense. Some people go to the RSP apt to get 'real' studying done. Some just stay cooped up in their rooms and others roam the halls making loud noises and laughing their heads off...I would never condone that kind of behavior. This is a serious scholarly program. No fooling around here. =) Homework usually happens. The russian students helps us sometimes. Inevitably, someone has a guitar out and is making some ruckus. Then I'm usually in bed between 12 and 2. And there you have it. Another day, another ruble. Oh and I've been trying to explain the 6 million dollar man to my friend Dan (i'm a rhymer) but he thinks I'm just a fool making it up. Give me a shout out if you know what I'm talking about. My "stoke" of the day, a phrase fresh off the press as of tonight, was that I got my internet FINALLY registered!! Tuesday nights we have Bible Study, Sunday nights we go to Harleys for hang time and a movie. All other nights we are free to spread havoc on this university. Soon there will be no more dorm life and we will be moving in with our host families. that will be a sad day.


Alessandra Maria-Rene' said...

Thank you for giving us an inside picture of your day. I'm glad that you get to spend so much time with a person named Harley. I miss you. I wish I was with you. (i guess i'm a rhymer too. :) )

Steph said...

gosh can you believe it's already been like 2 months! geez. well i miss you and i love hearing about your days. i want to call you so help me figure out how! :D

Kortney said...

Hey, girl, you've fallen sadly behind. I enjoy reading your blog too much to let you stop... Keep the stories coming! You're in my prayers!!

Unknown said...

I love you baby sister and I miss you so much. I am so proud of you. North America misses you!! Hurry home to me.

