Saturday, September 1, 2007

i've arrived in St. Petersburg

It feels like the Great northwest! the weather is windy, cold and rainy. Every once in a while the sun will come out but much like Seattle, the weather can change drastically in a matter of hours. It's been quite the culture shock. Mainly because I'm just now learning the Russian alphabet. I've seen some pretty amazing sights. We've been on a bus tour of St. Petersburg, viewed the Hermitage Museum of World Art, The Church of Spilt Blood and today visited the Peter-Paul Fortress. I have never seen anything like this before. I am literally in awe. It's unbelievably beautiful.

There are 19 other students from around the U.S and they're all so much fun. It's pretty amazing how much we get along already. We've eaten at Pizza Hut, McDonald's and Subway already. Really experiencing authentic Russian cuisine!! i guess it's harder to just pop in at Russian restaurants. You have to call ahead and reserve tables. So we just stick with what we know.

A couple nights ago a drunk Russian guy puked in our hotel lobby. It stunk up the whole room! It was pretty amusing to me. Today on the metro we saw a teenage boy steal a man's cell phone while he was sleeping. No one talks on the metro. It's silent. Russians don't smile. Or talk really. If you laugh or smile you're obviously a foreigner. Jet lag is a pain. I'm still not adjusted. It's an 11 hour difference so I keep waking up every couple hours. Tomorrow we go to a Russian orthodox church service which I'm really excited about.

The coffee is good but no starbucks!


Kacey said...

How exciting Caryn! Not the cell phone stealing thing though =0.. I'm going to the beach tomorrow, I'll yell your name really loud, just tell me if you can hear me! I love you! =)

Steph said...

i told you they don't smile! you didn't believe me :D well don't let any little russian boy steal your money while you're on the metro! glad to see you're experiencing russian cuisine haha. love ya!

Raychel said...

cool pics! didn't you hear that moscow is getting a starbucks?!! it was front page news in the seattle times last week! i don't know the exact dates but hopefully while you are still there. caryn needs her chai tea!! miss you!

Cami said...

Hey Caryn!!! I'm so excited for you! How awesome, I bet your having a blast! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear more stories. Plus we still need to finish that one story you were telling me about the night before you left...about a certain someone, if you know what I mean!:) hehe
Anyways, love you Caryn! Hopefully talk to you soon!

Auntie Em said...

caryn.. wow.. what an adventure you are on.. I am soo proud of you!!!

Love love love you!
(I am writing you a myspace message now)

Joyce said...

Caryn! Whose that oddly dressed man with his arm around you?! Have you been taking my advice and acting crazy? Maybe the right opportunity hasn't presented itself yet. Anyway, I'm so happy for you and lifting you in prayer everytime you come to mind, which is often. Enjoy every moment! I can hardly wait to see more photos of you in Russia and hear more about this amazing adventure the Lord has you on. Blessings!!

Joyce said...

Caryn: I didn't realize that my gmail account was listed under the name "mommy". (Thank you Katy.) Anyway, you can call me mommy anytime you want. Love you! Joyce