Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm an aunty, orphanage shoes and 4am pranks

So last wednesday my neice Jordan Marie Jamieson was born!!! I was so bummed I missed it. I saw pics and couldnt help but get a little choked up. I started volunteering at an orphange here in Nizhnii. It's one of the nicest orphanage supposedly and by the looks of it, I agree. The kids were intense right off the bat. I guess they never get hugged or kissed. So they are all over us. Dan, Stephanie and me and Lica, our RA, went for just a couple hours. We were told to bring slippers for while we were there. So thanks to Dan, we now call them orphanage shoes. I got mine down the market for a whoping 150 rubles. My russian class has downsized. They decided to start and advanced class and so we lost 3 students out of my class. Now were just down to 6. But I think it's helped. Today was really good. It's never really good. So this last Saturday I believe it was, I was sleeping over in my friend Theresa's room and several of the boys decided it would be funny to prank us at oh 4 in the A.M! I sleep through anything. But thankfully Theresa doesnt. I woke up to her yelling 'Andrew', thinking she was dreaming but once I opened my eyes and saw the door wide open I was super confused. Then all of a sudden the door closed and we heard the key turning from the outside. Theresa lept from her bed, realizing we were being locked in and that she had to pee. I was still half asleep, trying to make sense of what was going on right before my eyes. Then Andrew jumps out of the closet with a wimpy 'rarrr' and then Dan and Joel unlock the door and eventually they leave. War has begun. Let the pranks begin. Oh and I had an audience of Russians tonight...I was requested to play some songs. Of course they dont understand them. It's good practice. The leaves are falling and the wind is picking up. I think snow is expected soon!! Cant wait! p.s im geting home sick!


Kortney said...

Yay for orphanaes! I'm volunteering at one too! This weekend will be my first day. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun. Congrats on becoming an Aunt!

Alessandra Maria-Rene' said...

Oh I love this entry. I loved everything about it. I love that you're working at an orphanage, I love that you have to have special slippers when you go there. I love that Jordan was born and that it made you teary eyed! I love that you were sleeping over in Theresa's room and that the boys pranked you and that you're declaring war. That's hilarious!
Also I love that you had a concert for the russian students! How wonderful, that's what I'm talkin''bout! And then of course I love you so much! I think of you often! I'll pray for your homesickeness, i know it can be hard. Oh and just so you know my new favorite sport is football, I watched the seahawks today and it was so fun even though they were stupid and lost. Just thought you should know about any changes in my life such as that, that have occured since you were away. ;)