Monday, August 27, 2007


i've never been so nervous yet so excited. i'm restless and tired and just want to be there already. so much build up and anticipation. i can hardly breathe. the last week has been constant craziness. i've been going non-stop for so long. cant wait to just get on that plane and relax. i had a garage sale to help my lack of funds for my trip. i made some money but not enough. the rest I'm just believing miraculously for. He's done it before. He can do it again. my mom's been a gem. she's even packed my suitcase for me. much practice that woman's had. i have one day left in america. weird. it's gonna be an insane day too. i've said bye like a million times to the same people it seems. it's happening. scary but true. the land of the unknown here i come. the next time you hear from me...i'll be in the MOTHERLAND!! dasvadanya!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

preparing for departure

i leave in less than two weeks and it's so unreal. i have yet to pack or buy luggage yet. there are so many odds and ends to's overwhelming. i simply cant believe this is acutally happeneing. obviously i knew this day would come but it's stinkin snuck up on me. im anxious to just get over there. somewhat looking forward to the plane ride. i was reminded the other day that the flight will have movies. YES! its the simple things in life that excite me. i've met some of the other students via email and facebook. it's pretty helpful to already know names and faces. what an experience of a lifetime. i've just been really praying for the relationships i'm gonna form and the people i'm gonna come in contact with. who knows what God's got up his sleeve. i hope i have an opportunity to visit some of the orphanages. back in highschool i saw a video in church that showed kids living in the sewer drains under the road. and in the dead of winter. that broke my heart. ever since then i told myself i would go to russia someday and love on those kids. maybe this is my chance!